Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Two Words...and Then....The Rest of The Story

This issuue here, has nothing to with your
Salvation....So relax, pray about it, And take a closer
look without getting so mad you can't see straight.

Then Afterwards ...The rest of the story

Jesus said I will leave no sign for this adulterous generation except the “Sign of Jonah”

Question: \"What is going to happen according to end times prophecy?\"
.....But, one little word..AFTERWORDS.... tells the rest of the story..............

Answer: The Bible has a lot to say about the end times. Nearly every book of the Bible contains prophecy regarding the end times. Taking all of these prophecies and organizing them can be difficult. Here is a very brief summary of what the Bible declares will happen in the end times:

The Dead in Christ will rise first, which is a resurrection..... and we that are alive will be changed.

Then..... (two words “then”and “afterwords” by Paul, denotes a period of time later.} Some time later, probably 40 days later:
1. The word rendered \"then\" in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 is Koine Greek: â€̃epeita’, Aramaic: â€̃hydyn’, Latin: â€̃diende’ is much more correctly rendered \"afterwards\" (in the case of the rapture the \"afterwards\" = 40 days). Next is the excerpt from 1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then <1899> [The Greek and Aramaic words here are far better rendered \"After a while\"] we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. The 40th day after the feast of firstfruits.

2.We are to watch, indeed Nisan 16th, HaBikkurim, the feast of firstfruits is COMMANDED to be an all night vigil: Exodus (NIV partial) 12:42 It is a night to be much observed unto Jehovah for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of vigil unto Jehovah, to be much observed of all the children of Israel throughout their generations.\" If Martha, Mary and the Talmidim had literally kept this vigil over Yeshua’s tomb, they would have been eyewitnesses to the resurrection.....so also today......we “watch” for the “Dead in Christ” to rise!

After the 40 days, Christ will remove all born-again living believers who are part of the Church (New Testament saints) from the earth by an event known as the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51ff). These believers will be rewarded for good works and service during their time on earth at the Judgment Seat of Christ or will lose rewards, but not eternal life, for lack of service and obedience (1 Corinthians 3:11-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10).

The antichrist (beast) will come into power and sign a PEACE pact (covenant) with Israel for seven years (Daniel 9:27). This seven year period of time is known as the Tribulation.The “TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE” During the Tribulation, there will be terrible wars, famines, plagues, and natural disasters. God will be pouring out His wrath against sin, evil, and wickedness. The Tribulation will contain the four horsemen of the apocalypse, and the seven seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments.

About halfway through the 7 years, the antichrist will break the peace covenant with Israel and make war against them. The antichrist will perform the abomination of desolation and set up an image of himself to be worshipped in the temple (Daniel 9:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10). The Tribulation is known as the time of Jacob’s trouble.

At the end of the seven year Tribulation, the antichrist will launch a final attack on Jerusalem, culminating in the Battle of Armageddon. Jesus Christ will return, destroy the antichrist and his armies and cast them into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:11-21). Christ will then bind Satan in the Abyss for 1000 years and will rule His earthly kingdom for this 1000 years (Revelation 20:1-6).

At the end of the 1000 years, Satan is will be released, defeated again, and then cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:7-10). Christ then judges all unbelievers (Revelation 20:10-15) at the Great White Throne Judgment, casting them all into the lake of fire WHICH IS THE “SECOND DEATH” The bible says they will perish and not be remembered. Christ will then usher in a New Heaven and New Earth and the New Jerusalem - the eternal dwelling place of believers. There will be no more sin, sorrow, or death (Revelation chapters 21-22).

Go to truthroom.com for more information on the word “AFTERWORDS” AND THE

God Bless,

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