Friday, May 30, 2008

Proof of The Creator

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The Firmament.

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No, no one has ever seen, heard, nor considered what great things "The Firmament" has to show.

This question will be addressed in the presentation, and facts will be presented that show God is science.

The Firmament is not affiliated with any religion or denomination whatsoever.

The Firmament contains Lights to divide between Light and Darkness.

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Shortly after you register with The Firmament you'll be notified when additional information and updates will be made available for your contemplation and consideration.

Requests have been made for what is termed a Statement of Faith for the Firmament. Hopefully the following will address those requests and give Light to the seers.

Statement of Faith

The term translated faith in the Bible is ay-moon in the Hebrew and pistis in the Greek which are verbs and not nouns. A verb is an action and a noun is a person, place or thing requiring no action. The word Faith has been morphed by traditional religions into meaning belief. The etymological root of both in synopsis means; the circumspect perusal of the evidences to come to the truth and persuaded thereby. In the case of the Word of God it would equate to trusting the Truth. Getting to the Truth requires an action, belief does not. If a thing is not the Truth, it's a lie. The Truth is referred to as Light by the Word of God. God has commanded Lights in the Firmament to give Light unto the Earth and to separate darkness (lies) from Light (Truth), therefore lies from Truth. Therefore the Statement of Faith for the Firmament is Light/Truth.

When two are in a dark room together, one having eyes to see and the other being blind, neither can see. But when the Light comes on, the one with eyes can see but the other remains in darkness. So also are the Children of Light and the sons of darkness.

Hopefully you can see what we are saying.

You should receive notification from The Firmament within a week or so after you register. If you don't hear anything within that time it may be that you didn't give us a valid e-mail address. We have had several undeliverable e-mails. If this is the case, you'll have to re-register and provide us with a new e-mail address. Thank you.

If you measure an average man's arm there is a constant relative size of 18" from the elbow to the fingertips as the Da Vinci illustration of the Vitruvian Man shows. As there is also a constant measure of 6" from one side of the palm to the tip of the extended thumb.

The Imperial measures and those of the celestial bodies recur in the Bible. The metric will show no such parallels. A strong indicator the message is for those who use and relate to those measures and the evidences presented.

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Providing your e-mail address will allow us to send you notification of upcoming events and provide you with additional information not available to the general public. As our privacy policy states, we will not sell nor distribute your e-mail address to any other party for any reason. Your information will only serve for the purpose of notifying you.

The only reason we ask for your first and last name is to associate your e-mail address with you and provide you with professional communications regarding the presentation and any upcoming events.


Click on the 'Proof of the Creator' button on the home page and the presentation will play.

There is animated text in the top center of the page that may not be compatible with your flash player. You should see the following text: "Let There Be Lights in The Firmament."

If you can see the videos on the home page, you'll be able to see the Presentation.

No login is required to view the presentation. Signing up on the registration list will enable us to notify you of upcoming events.

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