Saturday, February 13, 2010

Is God Called The Savior of the World, but Cannot Save It?

and Jesus wept.....
Can Christ Jesus be the Savior of the world if the most of His are lost forever?
Is God a monster that has the power to save but a few and purposely damn the majority of mankind? Is it God's desire to save ALL, but he does not have the power to save them?
If you believe most of mankind will suffer eternal torment, you are among the 99%
of church who believe this hogwash. God has quite a powerful and different view of how it will
all play out. He knows the past, present and future and declares the end from the beginning. His will is greater then the will of tiny man.

The New Testament exhibits Christ as a universal and complete Savior. He is there represented as the true Light that lightest every man that cometh into the world – the Bread of God, that cometh down from heaven to give light to the world – the Physician to heal the morally diseased – the Author and Finisher of faith, and the Captain of Salvation – the Jesus, or Savior, who should save his people from their sins – the Deliverer who should turn away ungodliness from Jacob – the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world – the Head of every man – the Head of the Church, which is his body, and the fullness of him that filleth all in all – the Heir of all things – the faithful and true Witness – the prevailing Lion of the tribe of Judah – the Door and Shepherd of the sheep, who gave his life for the sheep – the Mediator and Testator of the better covenant – in short, as the complete Savior of the world.

Now, if Christ be the true light that lightest every man that cometh into the world, shall not every man be enlightened? If the Bread of God giveth life to the world, shall not the world have life? If the morally sick are healed, shall they eternally remain diseased? Shall not faith, in the now unbelieving be perfected under such an author and finisher as Christ, and salvation be completed under such a Captain, of whom it is said “he shall not fail nor be discouraged?” If he saves his people from their sins, shall they eternally remain unsaved? If he turns away ungodliness from Jacob, and takes away the sin of the world, shall ungodliness and sin forever hold mankind in endless bondage? Shall the body of Christ eternally remain incomplete, or diseased, or in bondage? Shall the Heir of all things never possess his inheritance? Did the faithful and true witness swear falsely when he declared, “and I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me?” Shall the Lion of the tribe of Judah be defeated and never prevail? Shall the sheep never enter the Door opened for them, nor the Shepherd that died for them, lead them into the green pastures, and by the side of the still waters of God’s love? Shall the Mediator never accomplish the object of his mission, nor see the better covenant fulfilled, nor witness the conferring of the inheritance on those to whom it was bequeathed and attested by his death? In short, if he be the Savior of the world, shall not the world be saved? Can he be in truth styled the Savior of the world if a large portion of the world be eternally lost!

From all these and numerous other descriptions of his advent, character, and the object of his mission, what else can be inferred but that he came for the purpose of effecting the salvation of all men, and was purposely represented as a universal Savior, both in the Old and New Testaments? Can all these representations possibly accord with the idea of his being only a partial Savior or Deliverer of mankind? Surely not. Moreover, the character of Christ, as exhibited in his life, labors and teaching while on earth can never accord with the doctrine of endless misery, nor with any other than that of the salvation of all men.”

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