The word translated “eternal” in modern translations is actually “aionian,” from which our English word “eon” is taken. It represents an age with a beginning and an end ... not eternity. A thorough search of all instances where this word is used will show that it cannot be consistently translated “eternal.”
The word translated “hell” in modern translations is actually a mixture of three different Greek words, none of which could possibly represent a place of burning, eternal torture. The most common term, hades, literally means “unseen,” and is the place where all go upon death, righteous or unrighteous.
In many cases where God’s punishment is referred to, it is clearly remedial ... to refine the affected individual. It is not destructive, but a means to accomplish God’s will. (Much more consistent with God’s love!)
There is a difference between the “evangel of the kingdom” proclaimed by John the Baptist, Jesus & Peter ... proclaiming the coming kingdom upon the earth -- and the “evangel of grace” proclaimed by Paul.
If it is God’s will that all mankind be saved (1 Tim 2:4), and if He operates all things in accord with the counsel of His will (Eph 1:11), then neither rebellious mankind nor Satan can thwart His plans.
At the end of the ages, when death itself (the final enemy) is defeated (1 Cor 15:16), and when Christ delivers up the kingdom to God (1 Cor 15:28), and when God becomes All in all (1 Cor 15:28), this is the end of the ages as described in God’s Word. All sin and evil is finally and totally defeated forever, and all mankind is saved thru the work of Christ.
The original manuscript of the Bible is the perfect Word of God. There is much evidence to support this claim.
A translation should strive to relay as closely as possible the pure Word of God. A careful study will show, however, that our modern English translations are not “concordant,” or consistent. While the salvation message is preserved in most every modern translation (salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ), much of God’s revelation to mankind is clouded and misunderstood. A true study of God’s Word must go below the surface of our modern translations to examine the original languages.
“The Concordant Version” is a faithful and consistent rendering of God’s Word. Other study materials available from “Concordant Publishing Concern” help us to examine the Word of God in the original languages, without the benefit of an education in the languages themselves. Other good literal translations include Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible (Kregel Publications) and Young’s Literal Translation (Baker Books).
Most mistakes in understanding God’s Word stem from one of two sources:
Use of a “discordant” translation that translates very inconsistently, and has bias built-in to the translation itself. Such translations are not really translations, but interpretations.
Lumping all of God’s Word into one category, without considering the full context. Who is the passage speaking to? What are the circumstances? Is this principle carried over to the present age, or was it strictly for the age during which it was delivered?
“Recognizing Christ as the Ultimate Saviour of All!”
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